
Carlos Manuel Muñiz

Carlos Manuel Muñiz
Diamond Konex Award 1998: Institutions - Community - Enterprise
Konex Award Jury 1988: Institutions - Community - Enterprise

He was born on 02/02/1922. Ambassador, Doctor in Law and Social Sciences (UBA), Member of the National Academy of Law and Social Sciences and President of CARI. Dr. Muñiz was President of the National Committee of the Argentine Republic on the 50th anniversary of UN. Deputy Secretary of the Interior and Justice. Deputy Secretary of the Interior and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cult. He was Ambassador in Bolivia, Brazil and USA; a Permanent Member at UN, and Visitor in Bahamas and Barbados.

He was Head Professor of Constitutional Law at the School of Law and Social Sciences, UBA.; Professor of Public Law at the Post-graduate course in the same university, and a Professor of International Public Law and International Law and International Relations at the Universidad Nacional and Universidad Católica de La Plata.

He presided over the Institute of International Public Law and International Relations at the School of Legal and Social Sciences at the Universidad Nacional de La Plata. He founded the National Institute of Foreign Affairs and is a Member of several Associations.

He has been awarded the “Laurel de Plata” to the Internationalist of the Year (Ateneo del Rotary Club de Buenos Aires, 1979); the Premio Trasandino (Rotary Club de Santiago de Chile and Buenos Aires, 1996); and the Diamond Konex Award (Argentina, 1998). Some of his most important books and publications are: “Las Relaciones Exteriores en el Derecho Constitucional Argentino”, his thesis to the Doctor’s degree, and considered an outstanding work and recommended for the Premio Facultad (1964); “Bases Nacionales para una Política Internacional” (1969), “la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos y el Principio de Igualdad” (1968); “Las Relaciones entre Argentina y Brasil” (1979); “Diplomacia y Diplomáticos” (1979); “Los Funcionarios del Servicio Exterior de la Nación, condiciones de idoneidad y permanencia en sus cargos” (1977); “La Conducción de las Relaciones Exteriores. El rol del Ministro: atribuciones constitucionales y legales” (1990); and “Nuevo rol de las Naciones Unidas en la Consolidación del Orden Jurídico Internacional” (1991).

He died on 31/10/2007.


premios konex
Carlos Manuel Muñiz
, por Cáritas Argentina: Rafael Rey, Roberto Rocca