
Konex Awards - 1988 - Institutions - Community - Enterprise

The Final Ceremony of the Konex Award 1988: Institutions - Community - Companies took place at the Golden Hall of the Colon Theatre on November 9, 1988. The 100 Merit Diplomas ceremony took place at San Martín Cultural Center on September 7, 1988.

Platinum Konex Awards

1 -
Cultural Foundations
6 -
Arts Institutions
7 -
Enterprise and Community
8 -
10 -
Public Administrators
11 -
12 -
Rural Businessmen
13 -
Basic Industry Businessmen
14 -
Derived Industry Businessmen
15 -
Construction Businessmen
16 -
Commercial Businessmen
17 -
Banking and Services Businessmen
18 -
Industry Executives
19 -
Commercial, Banking and Service Executives
20 -
Business Representatives

Merit Diplomas

7 - Enterprise and Community